remain for abide
being done away for abolished
command solemnly for adjure
worthy for adversary
commands/rule for admonitions
Woe for Alas
among for amongst
Messenger for angel
Delegate for Apostle
benefit for avails
fathered for begot
illegitimate for bastards
Evil speaking for blaspheme
called to for beckoned
Unique/bring forth for begotten
believe in for believe on
called for bidden
carried for borne
sulfur for brimstone
Donkey for ass/brute
May it never be for by no means
Slander for calumny
evil speaking for calumnies
Golgotha for Calvary
wild parties for carousal
Sexual promiscuity for chambering
punished for chaveised
discipline for chaveisement
purity for chaveity
love for charity
The Anointed for Christ
cries out/cry out for clamors
gentleness for clemency
measure for choenix
band for cohort
elegant for comeliness
chiliarch for commander
sent for commissioned
likeness for compareess
sharing for communicate
partnership for communion
agreement for concord
judge for condemn
refute for confute
made holy for consecrated
comfort for consolation
bewilderment for consternation
quarrels for contentions
called together for convene
appearance for countenance
Grain for corn
lady for Cyria
Servant for deacon
covet for inordinate desire
The Accuser for Devil
agitated for discomposed
message/speech/talked for discourse
Various for divers
Seer for divination
Divisions for Intestine divisions
excess for dissoluteness
divisions for dissensions
not knowing for doubting
edema for dropsy
mute for dumb
down payment for earnest
ate/eaten for eat
build up for edify
brightness for effulgence
selection for election
jealousy for emulation
surrounded for encompassed
command for enjoin
hostile for enmity
feast for entertainment
Letter for Epistle
Preacher of Good News for Evangelist
plainly for evidently
a corrupt life for excess
swearing for execrations
called to for expostulated
uprooted for extirpated
greedy for extortioners
grave cloths for fillets
as orphans for forlorn
Perverse for forward
left for forsook
stadion for furlongs
resurrection for future life
Chief governors for generals of the army
belt for girdle
nurse for give suck
rulers for government
The Good News for the gospel
Listen for harken
effort for have
from now on for henceforth
gentiles for heathen
care for heed
hired hand for hireling
Into for hither
purification for holiness
Vine-growers for husbandmen
Stage actors for hypocrites
speak for inculcate
unbelieving for infidel
lawless for iniquitous
covenant for institution
interjected for interposed
wavering for irresolute
Yitschaq for Isaac
children for issue
Yeshua for Jesus
filthiness for lasciviousness
foolishness levity
compare to liken
bread for loaf
patience for long-suffering
released for loosed
rage for madness
governors for magistrates
declared them great for magnified
afflictions for maladies
criminal for malefactor
broken for maimed
made clear for manifest
Martha for Marthas
Witness for martyr
food for meats
body parts for members
middle for midst
covetous for misers
discipline for mortify
amen/Truth for most assuredly
grumble for murmur
near for nigh
sacrifice for oblations
stubbornness for obdurate
deed for office
weighed down for overcharged
paralysis for palsy
Shepherd for pastor
complete for perfect
hour for period
unprofitable for pernicious
requests for petitions
boldness for plainness
sovereign for Potentate
privilege for power
foolish words for prating
request for pray
advantage for pre-eminence
children for progeny
miracles for prodigies
declare the things of God for prophesy
forthtellers for prophets
the means of appeasing for propitiation
owner for proprietor
successful for prosperous
Jewish converts for proselytes
seed for posterity
proclaimed for published
Filth for purgations
money chest for purse
gives life for quickens
Teacher for Rabbi
consider for reckoned
kingdom for rectitude
religious for superstitious
Went for repaired
extortioners for rapacious
rejected for reprobate
reprimand for reproached
reprimand for reprove
repay for requite
laughed in scorn for ridiculed
Day of Rest for Sabbath
Holy ones for saints
greetings for salutations
The Adversary for Satan
aroma for savor
knowledge for science
division for schism
tomb for sepulcher
proper for seemly
slave for servant
meat market for shambles
discipline for self-government
tomb for sepulcher
comparison for similitude
sincerity for simplicity
trickery for sleight
sluggish for slothful
striking for smiting
pounded for smitten
homosexual for sodomites
magicians for sorcerers
world for state
behalf for stead
narrow for strait
be low for straitened
quarrelsome for striker
pretending for subtley
relieve for succor
certainly for surely
hang overs for surfeiting
conjecture for surmises
wait for tarry
Deepest abyss of Hades for Tartarus
self-controlled for temperate/temperance
those for them
test for tempt
three times for thrice
until for till
fearful for timorous
taken up for transliterated
birth pains for travail
hair for tresses
affliction for tribulation
tested for tried
punishment for torment
sin for trespass
trampled for trodden
foreshadowing for type
with one mind for with one heart
Anointing for unction
unpresentable uncomely
sincere for unfeigned
reproach for upbraids
loosened for unexceptionable
empty for vain
varieties for variousities
mantle/clothing for vesture
food for victuals
evil for thoughts vicious machinations
excellence for virtue
while for whilst
immorality for whoredom
whoever for whosoever
Therefore for why
evil minded for wickedness
outside for without
deeds for works
torture/seized for wrest
Your for Thy
It is uncertain Paul wrote Hebrews . Timotheos not Timothy is original and is preserved